Felix zoekt een Huurwoning / Kamer / Appartement / Studio in Groningen

Felix zoekt: Een Huurwoning / Kamer / Appartement / Studio in Groningen

  • Huurwoning / Kamer / Appartement / Studio
  • Min. 6 m2
  • Man
  • 25 Per direct

I am Felix from Berlin (Germany) and as long as I find a place to live, I will be studying artificial Intelligence at RUG starting in September.
Though I am only 19, I already have experience in living alone/with roommates, because I have been living in a residential community over the last 2 years for my volleyball carreer.
I speak German, English and Spanish. With my former roommates we developed a tight bond.
If the language should be a problem, no worries, I am planning on learning dutch and some dutch roomies would even help with that

Algemene informatie: Felix
  Man, 21 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Artificial Intelligence (MBO)